Thursday, May 26, 2016

Yoga Practice

In my previous blog post I talked about making a mental note to apply the reasoning that I had used for my student on myself the next time I was learning a task that I had not yet mastered.  Well, the universe presented just such an occasion tonight when I was practicing yoga at the rec centre!  Although I have been practicing for a couple of years unfortunately it is most often only once a week and I am definitely not a master.  I have found an instructor that I especially like and have made progress but I still have much to learn.  Anyhow, we were in the middle of a pose called Thread the Needle in which you lie on your back, place the ankle of one leg just above the knee of the other, and then interlace the fingers of both hands behind the thigh of the leg on which the ankle is resting.  As we were holding this position my yoga instructor said that if at all possible we should balance our weight between both legs rather than leaning in one direction or the other.  She then carried on to say that if this did not make sense to us at the present time, keep on practicing and eventually it would.  Instead of relaxing and clearing my mind for my yoga practice, my mind then leaped to the importance of practice in order to grow dendrites and create networks whether it be for a physical or a mental task.  Those particular instructions actually did make sense for me tonight, however, there are many times when my mind and body cannot get it together enough to make sense of the instructions in my yoga practice.  Her simple words helped me remember my vow to myself to patiently keep on practicing and before long I will be doing things that I never thought possible.  Namaste!    

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